Tuesday, December 20, 2005

STRIKE!!! Day One

I woke up this morning dreading it, like so many other New Yorkers. And I don't even have it the worst. I live only about 25 blocks away from where I work. But still, when I turned on the television at 7:30 and saw the "MTA Not Running" graphic at the lower right hand corner of the screen, I was not a happy camper.

Especially when the reporter on the scene announced "It's the coldest day of the year."

But we'll get through this. Cause we're New Yorkers (except for those New Jerseyans and Connecticutters).

Here's my tips for getting through the strike:

Buy a warm jacket.

Stock up your iPod with some good walking/rollerblading/bicycling music.

Wear comfortable shoes.

Yada yada yada. That's obvious stuff.

Less obvious:

Use the strike as an opportunity to make conversation with hot girls! (Note: Don't be creepy)


Guy: This strike is killlling me!

Girl: (sprays him with mace)

Guy: How far did you have to walk?

Girl: (kicks him in balls)

Guy: Yeah, I had to walk 40 blocks. Woke up at 5 am.

Girl: (Tasers him)

Guy: Wanna grab a drink?
Use the strike as a chance to do some holiday shopping. On your way back, stop into every store that looks interesting. It'll keep you warm.

Use the strike to explore the city. Take a route that cuts through one or several of the city's parks. Meander through Times Square. Enjoy NYC like a tourist would.

Generate goodwill with your co-workers. Pick up some doughnuts or coffee and bring them in. Call them "Strike Doughnuts." Bask in the love from the co-workers who previously called you "Weirdy McLamester" behind your back.

Take up unicycling. Or another strange form of transportation. You may even get pictured in tomorrow's Daily News!

Do an after-work pub-crawl! One drink at every bar you pass on your way uptown or downtown. Pretty soon, you'll be so obliterated you won't even notice the cold. Or know where you are.

Host a strike sleepover! If you have the room, invite a bunch of commuting friends to play twister and truth or dare while watching slasher-flicks/comedies in cotton pajamas in between pillow fights.

Ok, that's all I can think of for the moment. But as the strike continues, I'll post some updates and tips. Have any of your own? Comment me baby. OOh, Comment me good.

Some Strike Resources:

WNBC has a MTA Strike Blog with recent developments.

Transit Strike 2005 gets blogged on The Gothamist (They also have a bunch of reader-submitted links.)

Photos of the strike are posted on Flickr.

Gridskipper, a travel blog, has some info and links.

Amy has a list of informational links on her NewYorkology site.

This guy has a Bike Blog and wants to get a group together to bicycle to work.

Well, I'm going to bed now, and still don't know whether there will be a strike tomorrow. The suspense is killing me. But if there is a strike, I need to get up early. I'm all for organized labor... but well. The NYU Grad Student strike was stupid and now this NYC Transit Strike is going to be even stupider. It's hard to support people when they make a huge inconvenience in your life. People could support coal miners and grocery store workers because, in the end, their strikes didn't really affect the way the general public lives their lives. But the Grad student strike immediately impacted a $35,000 education... and that got a lot of students pissed. And this transit strike, well... its gonna make a whole lot more people pissed.

Pissing off the very people who you depend on for support isn't a great strategy.

Monday, December 19, 2005

Stop, In The Name Of Law

(Warning, this is damn long)

In the novel, 1984, the main character, Winston, is assigned to the job of changing the past-- more specifically, he edits old newspapers so they support the government's new policies. For instance, when the government decides to decrease rations, Winston changes the past newspaper to make it seem as if the government has actually increased rations.

Oh, how the Bush Administration wishes it could do the same thing!

Unfortunately, while they try mightily to change the past, current recordkeeping techniques hold them back.

For Instance:

Bush insists that domestic spying, which he personally authorized, is legal.


A 1978 law, the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, makes it illegal to spy on U.S. citizens in the United States without court approval.

Bush didn't get court approval.

This 1978 law, of course, in addition to the 4th amendment, makes pretty much clear that what Bush authorized was illegal.


“I take Bush at his word that the order was critical to saving lives and consistent with U.S. law and the Constitution.”- Sen. John McCain

And MSNBC reports:

The president, as commander-in-chief, has certain authorities under the constitution, Attorney General Alberto Gonzales said, and those were expanded by Congress to include electronic surveillance a few days after the attacks on Sept. 11, 2001.

The president’s use of that authority is “consistent with law in my judgment,” he said.
However, Title 50, U.S. Code 1702 of our great giant law book says:

The authority granted to the President... does not include the authority to regulate or prohibit, directly or indirectly— (1) any postal, telegraphic, telephonicor other personal communication, which does not involve a transfer of anything of value;
Of course... that's really hard to understand.

And Title 18, U.S. Code 2516 reads:

The Attorney General, Deputy Attorney General, Associate Attorney General,[1] or any Assistant Attorney General, any acting Assistant Attorney General, or any Deputy Assistant Attorney General or acting Deputy Assistant Attorney General in the Criminal Division specially designated by the Attorney General, may authorize an application to a Federal judge of competent jurisdiction for, and such judge may grant in conformity with section 2518 of this chapter an order authorizing or approving the interception of wire or oral communications by the Federal Bureau of Investigation, or a Federal agency having responsibility for the investigation of the offense as to which the application is made, when such interception may provide or has provided evidence of....
That's a mouthful. But basically, it comes down to... "If you wanna spy, you have to present evidence to a judge first!"

Even the exceptions require an application to a judge within 48 hours of the wiretap.

Title 50, U.S. Code 1804 says:
"Each application for an order approving electronic surveillance under this subchapter shall be made by a Federal officer in writing upon oath or affirmation to a judge"
SO where, oh where does our laws state that the President can spy on whomever he likes?

My bet is that ol' Alberto was hinging his gameplan on this, Title 50, code 1805:

(f) Emergency orders

Notwithstanding any other provision of this subchapter, when the Attorney General reasonably determines that—

(1) an emergency situation exists with respect to the employment of electronic surveillance to obtain foreign intelligence information before an order authorizing such surveillance can with due diligence be obtained; and

(2) the factual basis for issuance of an order under this subchapter to approve such surveillance exists;

he may authorize the emergency employment of electronic surveillance if a judge having jurisdiction under section 1803 of this title is informed by the Attorney General or his designee at the time of such authorization that the decision has been made to employ emergency electronic surveillance and if an application in accordance with this subchapter is made to that judge as soon as practicable, but not more than 72 hours after the Attorney General authorizes such surveillance. If the Attorney General authorizes such emergency employment of electronic surveillance, he shall require that the minimization procedures required by this subchapter for the issuance of a judicial order be followed. In the absence of a judicial order approving such electronic surveillance, the surveillance shall terminate when the information sought is obtained, when the application for the order is denied, or after the expiration of 72 hours from the time of authorization by the Attorney General, whichever is earliest. In the event that such application for approval is denied, or in any other case where the electronic surveillance is terminated and no order is issued approving the surveillance, no information obtained or evidence derived from such surveillance shall be received in evidence or otherwise disclosed in any trial, hearing, or other proceeding in or before any court, grand jury, department, office, agency, regulatory body, legislative committee, or other authority of the United States, a State, or political subdivision thereof, and no information concerning any United States person acquired from such surveillance shall subsequently be used or disclosed in any other manner by Federal officers or employees without the consent of such person, except with the approval of the Attorney General if the information indicates a threat of death or serious bodily harm to any person. A denial of the application made under this subsection may be reviewed as provided in section 1803 of this title.
This is why no senators actually read the Patriot Act when they approved it. Jesus, the Patriot Act is longer than the Bible!

Basically, I can't find anything that would authorize the President, or Alberto Gonzales, or anyone to legally spy on a U.S. citizen without the approval of a judge. If someone knows otherwise, please let me know. I'm no law scholar. Just a guy with the internet and The University of Cornell's excellent U.S. law database.

In fact, I invite everyone to search dilligently for this. Find where it allows Bush to spy on us without letting anyone know. Post the paragraph and where it appears in the comments below. And if you can't find anything... well, what penalty should Bush get for violating the Constitution and U.S. Law?

Might want to ask Andrew Johnson and Bill Clinton.


Plus: Can Someone Explain Why We Released Saddam's Buddies From Prison?


Eye-opening NYTimes Piece On Teen Webcam Pornography (free regist. required)


Sunday, December 18, 2005

We Interrupt This Program

Stewie and Brian, Make Way For Bush

Note to networks: It's not a "Special Report" when the President decides to make a PR speech in prime time.

If the President had something to talk about, ok, fine. We just got bombed. Saddam escaped. We caught Bin Laden. We landed on Mars. I choked on another pretzel. Then it's ok to interrupt our regularly scheduled programs. But to attack the Democrats? You take off Family Guy for this????

And make no mistake. Bush's speech was aimed directly at the Dems, and those wishy washy Republicans, and... well, everybody who suddenly isn't so hot on the idea of our boys and girls dying so Iraq could finally have a government Iran and Bin Laden like. There wasn't any new information. He didn't lay out a plan. All he said was basically... well, this.

So yeah, I'm pissed my Sunday night Family Guy fix was pre-empted for nothing. Listening to Bush speak doesn't move me as much as when Stewie calls Brian out on his novel writing.

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