Making the world a better place through internet rants.
Wednesday, June 06, 2007
Should I Be Worried??
This sign is on my hotel room door.
Monday, June 04, 2007
Fantastic Fox
Jessica Alba Is My Superhero
On the cover of Sunday's Parade Magazine, actress Jessica Alba declares "I wish I were invisible."
Jessica and I have this in common. I too wish to be invisible. While in Jessica's apartment.
That was a joke. I am not a creepy stalker.
But Jessica does raise an interesting point. Is there any room for privacy in the lives of the rich and famous? Or is normalcy forfeited upon reaching a certain profitability in the box office?
Last week, we saw A-Rod gallivanting around town with a stripper/Playboy reject. We saw Lindsay passed out drunk in a car. We saw Paris Hilton buying bibles. Isn't there a war going on? Shouldn't we be giving these celebrities some space and focus on more pressing matters?
No. In fact, celebrity watching is the most vital, important thing this country needs right now. Save the Lindsay Lohan strange knife play photos, save the world.
Without the paparazzi, magazines like US Weekly and Star are replaced on magazine racks with U.S. News and World Report and The Economist. Page Six becomes another page of dismal, soul crushing news. We are a species that seeks stimulation, that is driven mad by routine. Locke couldn't keep pushing the button, and neither can we. Every so often, we need to be reminded there's a mystical island out there for us to explore. It's called Ibiza, and its teeming with topless celebrities.
Yes, while the normal world is at work in an office building, our beloved celebrities are crisping on white sands. While we go to bed at 10 PM on a Tuesday night, setting our alarm for work at 8 am, they're doing lines of coke off of the dashboard of their Maseratis. While we have babies that resemble our ugliest relatives, they have babies born with modeling contracts. And we want to see it all. Not out of malice, or schadenfreude, or because we revel in their humiliation. But because by viewing their lives, through the paparazzi lens, we experience just one half of one percent of a hope that one day, we too can experience that reckless, carefree, decadent lifestyle that normal society tells us is both wrong and impossible.
We'll never be able to frolic in the Caribbean with Jessica. But we can watch someone else do it. And it gives us that glimmer of inspiration. No one ever feels good after reading about Iraq, or seeing photos of genocide victims. But people do feel good after reading US Weekly. They feel good after seeing last nights celebrity party pictures on a gossip blog. Shouldn't we want people to feel good? Shouldn't celebrities want to make us feel good?
So as much as I love Jessica, I have to disagree. I want her to be visible. Because the more visible she is, the more people will be feeling good. And if enough people feel good, maybe they'll start doing good. And if they start doing good, maybe we can all make this whole bag of onions we call a world good as well. It's worth the effort.
So celebrities, paparazzi, get your party on. Let's get some US Weeklys sent to Darfur, post haste. The world needs you now, more than ever.
Wanna go out sometime for milkshakes and fries?
It's Been A While
Sorry, I've had a really busy week. Sometimes, my paying gig is just more important than this fly-by-night operation I call a blog. But that doesn't mean I've forgotten about you, loyal reader. You're like the mistress I go to after the wife's been riding me all week (and I don't mean "riding" in a good way). Here, on this blog, I can do what I want, and you treat me right. I just hope work doesn't find out about us.
Now that I've taken that metaphor as far as it should possibly go, back to the matters at hand. Hopefully by now the Lost finale has sunk in and you've read my analysis about a zillion times, because you kept checking back here and didn't find anything new. Well, Lost won't be back until 2008, so we'll have to talk about other things.
While some members of Congress spoke out “loudly and clearly” last month against legislation to pay for the war through September but without a withdrawal timetable, “others did not,” Edwards said.
“They went quietly to the floor of the Senate, cast the right vote. But there is a difference between leadership and legislating,” Edwards told his rivals during the second Democratic debate.
“I think it’s obvious who I’m talking about,” Edwards said.
Ooh! Bitchslap!
Is it just me, or do you get the feeling Hillary isn't going to invite Edwards over to dinner anytime soon?
One of the more interesting questions was "What would you do with Bill Clinton if you were President?"
Interesting question, Wolf. Because, obviously, Bill Clinton is just an object to be used as the President sees fit. Thanks for pointing that out.
Anyways, unfortunately, Hillary did not go the Sarah Silverman route and say something like "Make him my intern." Instead she said she'd send her husband around the world as a "roving ambassador." That's one way to get rid of him.
In the end, each candidate was asked what they'd do in their first hundred days in office. Surprisingly, no one gave George W's answer, "Chill on the ranch wit my homies while tragically ignoring those Presidential Daily Briefs."
"What I intend to do is to be a president who helps to reshape the world for peace -- to work with all the leaders of the world in getting rid of all nuclear weapons, rejecting policies that create war as an instrument of diplomacy, making sure that we cause the nations of the world to come together for fair trade, cancel NAFTA, cancel the WTO, go back to bilateral trade conditioned on workers' rights and human rights, create a not-for-profit health care system and send the bill to Congress," said Dennis "Mr. Realistic" Kucinich.
"Plus," Kucinich added, "Create a copy of Earth next to this one, in case something happens to the original. Also, I'd like to be able to fly like that guy in Heroes."
Personally, I like Obama a lot better now. Mainly because of things like this:
WOLF: Could it be that the Bush administration's effort to thwart terror at home has been a success?
(Which, by the way, has become wayyy too complicated as of late)
Jewish Fantasy Baseball Team Update
The last two weeks have been tough for the Major League Jews. On a positive note, last week hot hebrew prospect Ryan Braun finally made his way to the majors, and started things off going 4 for 11 with a double, a homerun, three RBIs and a stolen base. But an injury to Shawn Green sent him to the Disabled List for the first time in his career. And Elijah Dukes allegedly threatened to kill his wife, which led to a (self-imposed) one week suspension. Kevin Youkilis came up big again, but in Week 8 of the Fantasy Open, the Yalmulke Yankees lost to Team Shutout, 207.5 points - 191. In week 9, despite a fine 23 point week from Braun and a 28 point week from Youkilis, the Green and Elijah-less Jew Crew was blown out by the A-Rod led Red Rooks team, 240 - 143.
Ryan Braun is this week's Adam's Life Sluggin' Semite Of The Week Award-winner.