Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Some New Features!

You may have noticed a few additions here. One is the "Share" button at the bottom of each post. If you like a story, click the button and you can share it on Facebook, Digg, or any number of social networking or bookmarking sites.

Also, i've added a "Top Topics" section to the right-hand sidebar. Scroll down to see it. You can click on a subject, and you'll be presented with every story I've written on that subject. It's not complete yet (I only started tagging stories about a year ago) but will be soon.

So please, keep up the good commenting and check out the new features. Hopefully they'll help you to share your undying love for this most awesome blog with others.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This story did not in any way ease my nerves about doing an exchnage program in Italy next semester...

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