Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Candy Land

The Future Of New Orleans

"I don't care what people are saying Uptown or wherever they are. This city will be chocolate at the end of the day." -New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin, in his Martin Luther King Jr. Day speech
Finally! Someone with a good idea about how to rebuild New Orleans. Make it a Chocolate City!!!!!

Can you imagine? The fountains and canals filled with chocolate milk; The streets paved with chocolate bars-- the levees lined with truffles. Imagine a place where you can pick chocolate malt balls right off the chocolate malt ball trees, while the children splash in chocolate syrup puddles. If there's a sweeter vision for the future of New Orleans, I haven't heard one.

And Mayor Ray is already in the planning stages:
"How do you make chocolate? You take dark chocolate, you mix it with white milk, and it becomes a delicious drink. That is the chocolate I am talking about," Nagin said, when asked to explain his comments.
Sounds delicious to me! MMM, a Nestle Town Hall, nestled in the center of town square. A Cadbury French Quarter. A Godiva Dome over the NFL Saints new stadium. A Hershey Highway bringing loads of tourists back to town.

What? Oh, grow up.

Mayor Nagin, I salute you. While some cynics like Joe Scarbourough may call your comments divisive (obviously, not a chocolate lover), I welcome them. What better way to rebuild, than to rebuild using yummy, creamy, delicious chocolate??

The world needs more visionaries like Ray.