Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Birdbrain Hunter Kills Beloved Bird

Sayonara Gobbles

Rufus, the friendly turkey, was killed by a mean old hunter who apparently was too lazy to do the actual "hunt" part of hunting, opting to shoot a turkey that had been adopted by a Idaho restaurant.

"I know it's hunting season, but I know we're going to miss Rufus," said Jean Ballard, who lives near the cafe and gave Rufus his name. "I hope the guy is proud of himself."
Dear Hunters... Shooting a turkey in a parking lot IS NOT A DAMN SPORT!!!!!!


  1. Anonymous7:32 PM

    Hey Adam,
    I'm the reporter in good 'ol Idaho who "broke" the Rufus story, and I have to say yours is the best headline for the story I've seen besides Turkeys Gone Wild! Birdbrain hunter indeed.


    PS - Charlie Sheen isn't very nice. :o)

  2. Excellent reporting Megan! Thanks for visiting my blog.

    PS- I will never be able to watch Charlie's sitcom "Two And A Half Men" again. Not that I ever watched it before.
